Announcement of the program of the Third International Pacific Theater Festival
Announcement of the program of the Third International Pacific Theater Festival

Announcement of the program of the Third International Pacific Theater Festival

On 29 March 2024 at 13:00, in pavilion 75 B (stand “Far Eastern Panorama”) on the territory of VDNKh, a press conference dedicated to the announcement of the program of the Third International Pacific Theater Festival was held. The Festival will take place in Vladivostok fr om 20 September to 6 October 2024. The press conference was part of the International Exhibition and Forum Russia in Moscow.

The speakers at the press conference were:

Evgeny Mironov, Head of the Program for the Development of Theater Arts in the Far East, Artistic director of the State Theater of Nations, People's Artist of Russia;

Karina Tsaturova, General Director of the Chekhov International Theater Festival.


The International Pacific Theater Festival (Pacific Festival) is held in a unique place wh ere Western and Eastern cultures meet. One of its main goals is to lay emphasis on the cultural significance of Vladivostok as the capital of the region and one of the unique and most important cities of Russia.

The Pacific Festival is a significant large-scale event within the framework of the State Program for the Development of Theater Arts in the Far East, which started in 2019. The program was initiated by the State Theater of Nations and its artistic director Evgeny Mironov. The creative concept of the Festival was developed by Valery Shadrin, who for thirty years headed the Chekhov International Theater Festival. The mission of the Festival mainly consists in opening opportunities for the residents of Primorsky region of Russia to get acquainted with world theater art and its outstanding figures, as well as the diverse cultural palette of various countries, especially of the countries of the Pacific region.

The first Festival was organized and held in difficult pandemic conditions. Despite this, participants fr om Argentina, Armenia, Georgia, Spain, Switzerland, South Korea, and Japan came to the capital of the Primorsky region. The results showed incredible success - tickets were sold out in a matter of days. The Festival events were attended by more than 12,000 spectators.

The Second Pacific Festival was dedicated to the memory of Valery Shadrin, who passed away in December 2022. His creative program was successfully implemented by the organizers. Despite the new challenges of the time, they managed to put together an interesting, rich program with visiting companies from Brazil, Vietnam, China, Cuba, South Africa and other countries. The number of spectators exceeded 18,000.

In the autumn of 2024, Vladivostok will once again become a place of international cultural attraction. The program of the Third Pacific Festival was developed by the Chekhov International Theater Festival in collaboration with the State Theater of Nations. It will include performances of various genres created by theater-makers from Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Japan and Russia. Since 2024–2025 have been declared Cross-years of Culture between Russia and China, the Chinese theater companies will be special guests to the Festival program. Particular attention will be paid to the status of Vladivostok as the “Youth Capital of Russia”. The program will include several productions aimed primarily at young audiences. Traditionally, the Festival will feature master classes by Russian and foreign directors, actors, choreographers, lectures and training sessions by leading experts in the field of contemporary theater art.

The International Pacific Theater Festival is young, but has already found its audience and has become an eagerly anticipated event in the region. It is important for the Festival to continue introducing the audience to the diversity of modern performing art, as well as to contribute to strengthening the image of Russia as a country open to international cooperation in cultural and humanitarian spheres. The Pacific Festival in Vladivostok is focused on this as its primary mission.


From 20 September to 6 October 2024, the Third International Pacific Theater Festival will be held in Vladivostok. The program will include 11 productions of different genres created by theater-makers from Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Germany, India, Italy, Canada, Russia and Japan. The bill will reflect the diversity of cultural and theatrical traditions. One of the missions of the Festival is strengthening international cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

On 20 and 21 September, the Festival will open with the amazingly beautiful production Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting, inspired by the famous painting A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers by a Chinese artist from the Sòng Dynasty (X-XIII centuries). The unique 11-meter scroll is a masterpiece of traditional Chinese landscape painting, the history of which goes back almost a thousand years. Thanks to honed choreographic skills of the dancers and technically perfect set, which includes a turntable on stage, the legendary painting will literally spring to life in front of the eyes of spectators. The toilsome work to create this large-scale production, in which more than 40 dancers are involved, took the China Oriental Performing Arts Group over a year and, without exaggeration, the show has already become the cultural heritage of the Celestial Kingdom.

On 24 and 25 September, the National Theater of China will present its reinvention of Cyrano de Bergerac by French playwright Edmond Rostand. The director Ding Yiteng, who has gained the reputation of "the most popular young theater innovator" in his homeland, combines the traditions of East and West, bringing together the European school of acting with the captivating Chinese opera, in his version of the famous story about a courageous warrior and a clever poet, brave on a battlefield, but shy in love.

On 27 and 28 September, an incredible spectacle will be presented at the Festival by the Brenda Angel Aerial Dance Company from Buenos Aires. In the production of 8cho the famous Argentine tango is intertwined with other rhythms and styles. The performers literally fly in their dance, not on the floor, but in the air, fascinating the audience with the grace and sensuality of movements. This gorgeous show is accompanied by live music. Throughout its life, the company has toured worldwide, participated in international festivals and performed at grand stadiums. Aerial dancers have already astonished millions of spectators and attracted admirers in different parts of the globe.

On 29 September, the program will continue with the one-man show Nothing Like Lear. Indian director Rajat Kapoor, who has a unique talent for making comedies based on dark stories, in his characteristic manner reinterprets William Shakespeare's play - the tragic Lear appears before the audience in the guise of... a clown. The only character - King Lear performed by famous Bollywood actor Vinay Pathak - keeps the audience in suspense for almost two hours: starting as a stand-up comedy, the story gradually transforms into drama.

On 29 and 30 September, a theatrical experiment at the meeting point of genres Reverse will be presented by the Moscow Musical Theater. The show combines excellent dramatic acting with refined choreography and stunts at the lim it of human capabilities. Finding themselves in a confined space, fifteen characters tell a story about the struggle with external circumstances and their own selves, about human lowest and loftiest manifestations that are revealed only in extreme situations, and about the cardinal choice that every human being faces at least once in his life. This action-packed and dynamic show that does not fit into the framework of any existing theatrical genre was created by an international team: directors Andrey Koltsov and Irina Drozhzhina, choreographer Debra Brown (Canada) and lighting designer Joachim Barth (Germany). 

On 1 and 2 October, the program will feature the play The Stone of Madness by the Belarusian playwright Konstantin Steshik - a momentous co-production of the Republican Theater of Belarusian Drama, the International Confederation of Theater Unions and the Regional Public Fund for Support of the Chekhov International Theater Festival. A modern interpretation of a medieval legend theme: a swindler pretending to be a doctor takes out of the head of a gullible patient a “stone” that purportedly made his life difficult. The story of the play is about the search for the meaning of life, dreams and the collapse of illusions when they collide with reality.

On 2 and 3 October, the program will continue with the production of the State Theater of Nations Friends, staged by Japanese director Motoi Miura. It is based on the play of the same name by Miura’s fellow countrymen, avant-garde artist Kobo Abe. The story-line of the play starts with a strange situation: a whole family of eight people suddenly moves into the apartment of a young man. Shielding themselves with the best intentions, they start running the show in all areas of his life acquiring control over use of his apartment, salary, personal relationships, and, after all, physical freedom. “Our play tells how quickly modern society can deprive a person of his own identity and self-confidence,” says Motoi Miura. The story, inspired by the spirit of Western European absurdity, develops in a peculiar way in the show: Japanese national culture “meets” Russian psychological theater on stage.

On 4 and 5 October, the Armazem Theater Company from Brazil will present an original and daring scenic version of the brilliant novel by the classic of Brazilian literature, Machado de Assis, The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas (or, in other translations, Notes from the Other World). The authors of the stage adaptation turned the complex psychological realism of the novel into an exciting show in which the deceased hero Bras Cubas shares with the world the story of his life, starting from... the moment of death. Scenography, lighting and live music create a memorable atmosphere that transports the audience to the 19th century. Creation of the landmark production of Bras Cubas was dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Armazem company.

On 5 and 6 October, guests of the Pacific Festival will be invited to watch the first puppet production of the State Theater of Nations. The main character of the play is Hodja Nasreddin, the folklore character of the Muslim East. His faithful helper, a donkey, tells about the adventures of the famous philosopher and trickster. The adventure story will captivate both children and adults. The puppets speak with the recognizable voices of popular actors: Evgeny Mironov, Konstantin Khabensky, Viktor Verzhbitsky, Igor Zolotovitsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Inga Oboldina. The performance was created in the aesthetics of old black-and-white cinematography, but seems to be painted with colors, vibes, and wisdom of the East. Hodja Nasreddin is the winner of the Golden Mask Award (2022) in nomination “The best puppet show”.

The final chord of the Festival program will be heard on 5 and 6 October - this will be a concert performance Onegin. Lyrical Digressions, a true extravaganza of music and poetry staged to celebrate the 225th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Talented actors of our time will recite fragments of Pushkin’s greatest work, changing images in the course of the show: Evgeny Mironov plays roles of the Author and Onegin, Marina Alexandrova - of Tatyana and Lensky. Music is of particular significance in the concert performance: the Symphony Orchestra of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater will perform fragments from operas and ballets by P. Tchaikovsky, works by M. Mussorgsky, S. Rachmaninov, G. Sviridov, A. Khachaturyan. The production was commissioned and staged by the director Marina Brusnikina, who decided to take a closer look at the lyrical digressions in the novel: about life, love, friendship and art.

Performances of the Festival program are planned to be held at the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater (Great Hall, Chamber Hall), Primorsky Academic Regional Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky and Primorsky Regional Drama Theater for Youth.

The launch of ticket sales for performances of the Third International Pacific Theater Festival will be announced later.

The Festival is held in Vladivostok with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Primorsky Territory.

Organizers of the Festival: Chekhov International Theater Festival with the participation of the State Theater of Nations.

General partner: Channel One.

Sponsor: VTB Bank.

Regional information partner: TV channel "OTV-Prim".

Information support: Web portals “Culture.RF” and “Cultural Primorye”.